Hakkımızda Hiprun Serileri

Why Hiprun

Intended Use of High Pressure Coolant Systems 

High Pressure Coolant Systems up to 70-140 Bar (1000-2000 psi) are the efficiency increasing systems that focus on improving turning, drilling and milling machining process. The aims of using these systems are to have more accurate surfaces, longer cutting tool life, increase produced parts per day by flushing the chips away during machining process. Faster chip break also influences the tool life and machining costs are reduced as a result.


Working Principles of HIPRUN High Pressure Coolant Systems

High Pressure Coolant Pump takes the coolant from the machine tank. The coolant is going through the gear pump and get compressed here. The big dirt is removed from the coolant with 150 micron prefiltration. After 5 Micron main filtration, the coolant passes by valves and tubes and sends back directly to the machine tank.


HIPRUN High Pressure Coolant Systems Usage Advantages

Easily chip break by flushing the them away and decreasing the heat during turning, drilling and milling operations
Significant increasing of tool life with maximum performance for the cutting tools
Higher surface quality
Shorter production time up to 35% for deep hole drilling

No time wasting during filter change


What is the difference between HIPRUN and their competitors?

Using 70 and 140 bar (1000-2000 psi) high pressure coolant pumps as standard                                                     

Providing high quality at affordable prices
Fast reaction time
Easy connection to various machine tools
Touchscreen and PLC control with remote maintenance
Compact and modular construction, space-saving
Up to 12 controllable manifold block
Prefiltration and main filtration (filter bag) Standard
Flow sensors as standard / process safety
Heat sensors
Alarm and problem solution via touchscreen
Pump condition and coolant temperature on touchscreen
Test mode (for each output) via touchscreen
Filter condition indicator
Turkish and English language as standard, others on request